Robyn Admits to Gizelle She Knew Juan was Communicating with Side Chick during COVID

Aht Aht! Robyn girl whet is you doin?

Do you not know the rules of reality TV? You are supposed to SHARE your reality to the public. It’s what you signed up for and get paid to do. For SEVEN seasons we’ve watched you wander aimlessly in and out of Gizelle’s shadow stumbling for some sort of a storyline, and know you have one, and you GASLIGHT us and go off on the Grand Dame in Mexico making her look like she a hater when she was spittin’ facts.

Instead of allowing WE THE PEOPLE in you and your girls (Ashley and Gizelle) withhold this information about Juan and his side chic. You decide to wait until after the season WRAPS to hop on you and Gizelle’s Reasonably Shady podcast and YOU SPILL TEA.

However, you spill it in the most nonchalant way as possible. Werd is Juan’s side lives in Canada. In late 2020 she boldly DM’d Juan talm bout she liked the green eyed bandits on the show. Juan like any man ENTERTAINED the conversation. Side allegedly was familiar with the DMV cause she used to date an athlete living there. Once Covid restrictions lifted she messaged Juan saying she was coming up to visit but Juan assumed she was visiting her old boo. (Did y’all roll y’all eyes yet?). She comes into town and reached out to Juan about losing her wallet and wondered if he could PAY for her hotel room . So Juan being a good guy goes to her hotel and uses his card and WALKS away. She supposedly messaged him later asking WHY he didn’t want to stay with her. By late 2021 she DM’d Robyn receipts saying she was going to use the TEA and get famous.

Yeah, Robyn sold these wolf tickets on Patreon.

NEOW Werd is now you lewkin for another job cause Andy done fired you on Watch What Happens Live.

Chyyyleee all you had to do was keep it a buck.

Chyyyleee check it out below


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